Creating the Everyday Mindfulness Auracle

Erica Gittens, designer and creator of the Everyday Mindfulness Auracle: A 30-Card Deck


Back in May 2023, I attended an event that reminded me how powerful a mindful prompt can be to move us into reflection and toward vulnerability. At the time, going through my challenges, I left feeling inspired to finally create my very own mindfulness deck, a tool that would be a beacon for hope and the medicine for my own and others’ healing. 

Once I committed to the idea, I started to make note of mindful prompts. As the ideas started to flow out of me at random times, I found myself having to write them out immediately to not lose them. I went to my toolbox of mindful practices I had collected over the years and learned so far as a Mindfulness facilitator. The medicine of going for walks by the water, meditating, dancing to release feelings of anger, and journaling are examples of mindfulness practices I wanted to highlight in the deck because they helped me process my emotions, shift my mindset, and heal at an intuitive pace. 

It can be so easy to get swept up in our emotions, our responsibilities, worries of the past, anxieties of the future, and what can feel like the weight of the world at times. Sometimes all it takes is a reminder to slow down and be more present. The practice of mindfulness can be a powerful grounding anchor when we bring our awareness to our surroundings, thoughts, feelings, or situations in a compassionate way. And a reminder in the form of a card can go a long way to support you throughout your day.

Design and Printing

For the design, I wanted the cards of the deck to be minimalistic in style for an elegant look, simply featuring an action-oriented heading and a concise four-line message which proved to be a playful challenge of distillation from all these ideas I had.

It was important for the cards to feel good in my hands, so I landed on pocket-sized square cards measuring 3x3 inches. I then decided on 30 cards to reflect most calendar months and to represent a significant number for me plus two bonus cards, one About the Creator and How to Use for instructions and access to digital resources.

Once most cards were created, I started to research printers, paper stock, laminations and study my growing collection of tarot and oracle decks to help me finalize the design of each card and the deck’s box. Having a background in Graphic Design, it was a return to my days of designing for print materials and working closely with printers.

Steve Jobs has a saying I’ll never forget, “You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.” In hindsight, I can now say that I was trained to be ready for the creation of this deck and to design all of AURA BODY+HOME’s branding and marketing.

“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.”

- Steve Jobs

Naming the Deck

This deck had a slightly different name going into print for the first time. I was confident simply with Everyday Mindfulness but knew it might be too generic and close to other people’s creations. Feeling so strongly about what I started with I was unsure for a while what that third distinct word could be to make my deck stand out.

Late one night, while preparing an unplanned file resubmission for the printer I was looking at some decks I have from Kyle Gray and Rebecca Campbell. The word ‘oracle’ stood out to me. It resonated in ways I have yet to share.

The Oxford Dictionary defines an oracle as “a priest or priestess acting as a medium through whom advice or prophecy was sought from the gods in classical antiquity.” With the experience I had creating the deck, I couldn’t take full credit for what has been a co-creation with my guides and wanted to honour the cards as a divination tool.

Hearing the word oracle out loud, I realized in that fateful moment that the AURA of my business name could phonetically support the creation of an ‘auracle’ variation. Not to be confused with the similarly spelled ‘auricle’ known as the anatomical name for the outer ear which contributes to the concept of deep listening to the messages I received. I copyrighted the name shortly after to Everyday Mindfulness Auracle and was able to update the file in time for the re-submission. Divine timing at its finest!

“Activities are designed to rekindle your connection with yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you.”

How to Use the Deck

The Everyday Mindfulness Auracle: A 30-Card Deck is an investment in one’s mental, emotional, and physical health. Each activity serves as a gentle reminder of the small steps we can take to reclaim parts of ourselves.

Simply shuffle and set an intention asking, "How can I be more mindful today?" Pick a card that catches your eye or falls out to reveal the activity best designed to rekindle your connection with yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you. Pick a card for the day or create a month-long ritual to make mindfulness practices a part of your everyday.

The deck is a great introduction for those curious about mindfulness and those ready to recommit or supplement their existing practice. Supplement with other forms of support including individual therapy, group therapy, reiki, and more.


The Everyday Mindfulness Auracle premiered at the Artscape Wellness Market on 8/8 hot off the press from picking them up just the day before. At my table, I had a demo deck ready for people to try as they approached or passed by. This is where I first witnessed the magic of the cards.

When asked to pick a card to find out which mindful activity one was in need of, people were weirdly surprised. I learned that not only were the cards great at making suggestions but they also predicted what people had planned for the day. Some even shared deeply personal stories of why the card they chose resonated with them. I recall someone picking card number 3: Journal. Almost annoyed, they shared that their friend who was facilitating a journal session at the same event had been encouraging them multiple times to start journaling. And here was one more nudge from the universe.

In markets to follow, I witnessed more synchronicities. On one occassion, two people approached my table and one of them pulled card number 22: Hug. They looked at each other and started to laugh in disbelief. It turns out that they had not seen each other for many years and earlier that morning, they had shared a long hug as described in the card: “Wrap your arms around a loved one, yourself, or a pillow. Show your love and appreciation with a long, warm embrace to express more than words ever could.” Another person picked a card that resonated so much they bought a deck on the spot.

It has been surreal hearing the words from my deck read out loud and finally in people’s hands to support their mindfulness journey. I am deeply grateful to those who support my work, for the encouragement from new friends and collaborators I met along the way in places the deck has led me, and to those who have purchased my deck to use every day.

Examples like the ones shared above only validate why this deck is an important creation. My first deck has a special place in my heart for how it worked through me and uplifted me during a challenging time. A seed sown in the darkness is growing into something beautiful in the light.

These cards continue to support me as our connection gets stronger with each card pull and I’ve learned that they are an extension of me.

“I highly recommend the Everyday Mindfulness Deck that she has thoughtfully created. She is a beautiful, gentle and welcoming presence. Whether you are a new to the art and practice of mindfulness, or would like to return to a beginner’s mind state, she has mastered her artistry and I each time I attend, I learn something deeper about myself and our connection to one other.”

- Amanda H

Digital Guide & Soul Sessions

After intuitively guiding my mother through an activity featured in the deck, I realized there was much more I wanted to share beyond four lines of text. There are so many ways to interpret each activity.

As additional resources, I began writing the digital guide to expand on the ideas I originally thought of to help people go deeper and get more introspective. The digital guide provides suggestions, reflection questions, visualizations, and other resources that have been evolving. The link to the digital guide can be found on the How to Use card of the deck.

To support in-person and virtually, I created the Everyday Mindfulness Auracle: Soul Sessions a curated series of 90-minute experiences featuring three mindful activities from the deck. Sessions are held multiple times a year to delve deeper into the intention behind each card under my guidance. Check out the upcoming Everyday Mindfulness Auracle: Soul Sessions here.

Everyday Mindfulness Auracle: A 30-Card Deck

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